
6th Session Notes

2/3 of Old Testament takes place during this time, includes the Prophets.  All the names and prophets make it look complicated.  1Kg 12  Solomon ended in ruin and his son Rehoboam is next King.  People in North are upset.  Rehoboam goes to two sets of Kings counselors ask them how to treat his people.  His father’s counselors told Rehoboam to ease up on the people in the North.  Rehoboam’s friends tell him to tighten up the pressure of his people. Rehoboam follows the advice of his friends. Jeroboam from the north, who had fled to Egypt because of Solomon (1 Kgs 11:26-40), met with Rehoboam to discuss how he was going to rule the people.  Rehoboam says he will be harsher with the people than even his father was.

KEY:  1Kg 12:16.  “What portion have we in David, we have no inheritance in the son of Jesse, to your tents, O Israel! Now look to your own house, David.”   The Kingdom divides. 930 BC  - There are now two distinct nations.

Page 40 – updated map of the two kingdoms in the newer version workbooks.

Northern Kingdom called Israel, King Jeroboam.  Consists of 10 tribes and the capital is Samaria.
Page 47 – Chart of the Kings of the Israel – the Northern 10 Tribes - 9 Dynasties, ALL were bad.  They have a problem.  The are cut off from Jerusalem, so they create their own priests, feast days, a whole different religion.  

Amos and Hosea are key prophets.

Southern Kingdom called Judah, King Rehoboam. Consists of 2 tribes and the capital is Jerusalem.

Page 48 – Chart of the Kings of Juda – The Southern 2 Tribes – 1 Dynasty, some were good and some were bad. This is the Royal Dynasty, follows the line of David.  

Page 49 – Chart of the Prophets for Northern and Southern Kingdoms.  Priest teach the word of God/the Torah.  Urge the conversion of people’s hearts.

During this period, it switches between the two Kingdoms either talking about Northern Kingdome of Israel or the Southern Kingdom of Judah.  Prophets make the scene to teach to obey God and priests teach the Torah.

Amos and Hosea are key prophets in the North.  They make up their own religion.  But Hosea speaks and tells them God is your husband, you have been unfaithful, you will be exiled.  But God will not forget them.  He marries a prostitute she cheats on him and he feels the pain.  Hose warns the north.  If you live like the world, you will be cast out to live with the world.  God will come to you in dessert and give you refreshing water.

Isaiah is great Southern Prophet.   Also warns them of an exile.  Jeremiah prophesies the return from the exile in 70 years.  Jer 25.

** When reading the books of Kings and the Prophet books we must be aware of who they are talking about and who they are talking too. The North??  The South??  Use the charts on workbook pages 47-49

          *side note you can mark you bibles to distinguish visually which kingdom is being talked about in scripture.  Example placed a crow next to scripture passages when you are following the southern kingdom where the covenant bloodline is kept and when you are reading about the northern kingdom / Israel, place an I or some other marking so that you can visually distinguish the two the next time you read those bible passages. (Or N for the North and S for South or I and J – whatever makes it easy for you to remember who they are talking about.)
Supplemental books, 1st and 2nd Chronicles, people have trouble when reading these as they are the same stories from the books of Kings.  The Chronicles books are the same stories except from the Southern Kingdom (royal kingdom) Judah’s point of view.

North does not listen to prophets, some kings from the south do listen to the prophets.


World powers – Eat A Big Purple Grape  - Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Roman  There are two major Exiles a Northern Exile and a Southern Exile
1st Exile - When Assyria is world power they come down into the Northern Kingdom and take Israel is exiled and taken.

2nd Exile – When Babylon is world power they come down to the Southern Kingdom and take Judah. Takes place in Waves.

Theme of exile is again seen as it was in the Garden of Eden.

Northern Exile - 722 BC – Assyrian obliterate the north; take some of the Israelites and take them to 3 countries. 5 foreign nations are brought into the northern kingdom area to mix with the remnants of Israel, creating the Samaritans

The people in the South are now referred to as Jews and they have nothing to do with Samaria (in the time of Jesus) – But does Hosea’s prophecy (to the north) come true?  Will God remember them, will he come them in the desert, will he give them life giving waters?  Yes, (Jn 4:16-27) Jesus speaks with the Samaritan woman who has had 5 husbands, she is given life giving water. 

Southern Exile (Judah) in Jer 34 we see the South too was unfaithful.  Jerusalem was destroyed.  The 2nd Exile consists of 3 waves (1st Wave – Daniel, 2nd Wave Baruch/Ezekiel, 3rd Wave Destruction in Jerusalem)

Zedekiah, last king of Southern Kingdom goes back to Babylon where the story with Abraham begins.  We need a hero. 

Change of power is now Persia.  3 Separate returns.   Judah has learned its lesson.

Three ingredients to this return and restoration of Jerusalem.

How do we return, start a new life?  3 things we need.

Themes of Exile and Return constantly play out from the time of the Garden of Eden and going forward –Jesus will speak of a new return like the prodigal son, not from a country but a return from sin and destruction.  The enemy is Satan and Sin who Jesus has defeated.

**(Not in the workbook, this is from larger bible study.)  Only the South returns to the Promised Land.  The apostle Paul goes to the Gentiles.  He says the nation of Israel (North) will be saved through the gentiles.