
Welcome to!

What is and how did it come about? was created by, is sponsored by, and updated by a parishioner of St John the Evangelist Catholic Church located in San Marcos, Texas.   At times it can be difficult to place full announcements on the church bulletin (due to lack of space) or in pulpit announcements (they get too long) and so a forum to have the entire information available was necessary.  We also wanted a place online where we could have documents, such as registration forms available for download or completion, to make registration a little easier.  Don't worry good old fashion paper registrations, pulpit announcements and bulletin announcements will still be done.

Why  First and foremost to spread the good news of Jesus Christ through an online presence that will inform St John parishioners about upcoming events and retreats going on at our amazing parish of St John the Evangelist Catholic Church.  The English Evangelization Team, or one of it's members, will be hosting these events or retreats.  

Please note that this is NOT the official website of the local parish.  
For the official website of St John the Evangelist Catholic Church in San Marcos, TX please visit

Thank you for stopping by our website. Check back often for updates.